Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Settling in!

  • We survived the long day of travel to Minnesota pretty well and got in late Saturday night.  Both kids did great on the travel day but Alex only got 5 hours of sleep Saturday night and somehow managed not to take a nap.  Since then she has been doing a weird sleep routine of going to bed around 6 and getting up at 4 am.  We had some pre-op appointments on Monday and Tuesday and otherwise we mostly just hung out at our 2-bedroom apartment that is 5-10 min away from the hospital.  It is comfortable but no means luxurious--it is run by a nonprofit organization for families of patients in the hospital to stay in for a very reduced rate.  We made it to the Mall of America on Monday afternoon and Alex had a lot of fun tooling around the mall and riding a few rides with Grammy and Grandpa.

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