Monday, May 20, 2013

Level 3 bridging!

Both the PTs and OTs have really been stressing the bridging exercise for the past 3 weeks.  They were quite hard for Alex starting out, but she has been getting stronger and stronger with all the practice.  This is the first time we saw this particular PT, but she was really good at pushing Alex on this last Friday.  She called Level 1 bridging when you have your arms at your side and push into the floor.  That was easy, so she pushed Alex to do Level 2 bridging which was crossing her arms on her chest while she bridged.  That was easy, so she pushed Alex to do Level 3 bridging and hold it in the air for 5 seconds.  She then had Alex do a bonus move where she kept her knees together by sqeezing the therapist's hand.  Next step will be a bridge for 5 seconds keeping her knees together totally by herself, without even squeezing a therapist's hand.  We had a new PT who tried that on Saturday, and Alex wasn't quite there just yet.  But I imagine she will be there in not too long!

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